The new environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rules in the U.S., EU, and other continents represent a step in the global effort to tackle environmental problems. These rules encourage local and international businesses to engage in activities leading to positive impacts on the environment and society.   

We believe that working together is key to a more impactful effort. By being a long-term branding company that complies with environmental regulations, we can be a partner in making the world a greener and safer haven for humanity. This entails ensuring that our partner manufacturers, suppliers, and brands also share the same vision as us.   

We are an online branding company that values the world as well as we value our clients.

At FITNESSMERCH, we are passionately committed to environmental stewardship. Our core mission is to seamlessly integrate sustainability into every facet of our business operations. We prioritize the well-being of our planet, ensuring that our pursuit of profit never comes at the expense of environmental responsibility.   

We showcase our dedication by implementing environment-friendly initiatives within our operations and encouraging positive transformations in the communities that we serve.

Our Environmental Policy sets out our steps to reduce our footprint and support the preservation of natural resources.

FITNESSMERCH, as a testament to its dedication to ensuring sustainability, created specific steps that serve as a roadmap to attain its vision.   

  • Reduce our reliance on natural resources and energy while enhancing efficiency and transitioning towards greener renewable energy sources.
  • Minimize waste from business activities through recycling efforts and investments to eliminate waste.
  • Constantly improve the management of our buildings and transportation to decrease air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Consider the impacts of climate change on our service delivery.
  • Prevent harm or pollution incidents across all sites by ensuring compliance with relevant laws in our work practices.
  • Ensure that all staff are well informed about our standards and shared responsibilities, thus fostering improvements in our supply chains and partnerships.
  • Support conservation efforts for FITNESSMERCH structure and natural environment through policies.
  • Sustain continuous improvement by reviewing policies and strategies to incorporate sustainable development principles.  

FITNESSMERCH ensures compliance with its environmental policy by creating the implementing rules and regulations to be undertaken.

Specific Actions

  • Use this policy as a guide for establishing goals and objectives for enhancement.
  • Follow a procurement and contracting strategy that aligns with these goals.
  • Implement effective management practices to maximize positive results.
  • Ensure all employees, suppliers, and partners are aware of the policy requirements.
  • Focus on conserving energy, water, and natural resources.
  • Emphasize the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
  • Encourage environmental education and awareness initiatives within the organization.
  • Strive to boost waste diversion through recycling various materials like paper, cardboard, wood, metals, plastics, packaging materials, and inks.
  • Decrease the use of substances to safeguard both employees’ well-being and the environment.
  • Opt for cleaning products certified by Green Seal.
  • Utilize remanufactured and refillable toner cartridges whenever possible.
  • Keep employees informed about matters, through newsletters, training resources, and meetings.
  • Establish a subcommittee dedicated to addressing issues.


  • Management– The management is tasked with establishing objectives, allocating resources, and guaranteeing adherence to this policy.
  • Staff– Each staff member is responsible for adopting the above-mentioned eco practices, reporting any issues, and engaging proactively in sustainability projects.
  • Suppliers– We require our suppliers to uphold our environment-friendly guidelines and work with us to lessen the environmental footprint across the supply chain.


We plan to keep an eye on and assess our impact on the environment by these steps.

  • Carrying out audits and periodical evaluations.
  • Keeping track of metrics like energy consumption, waste production, and water usage.
  • Seeking input from our staff, partners, and the local community.
  • Regularly refining our goals and approaches to drive ongoing progress.


We will share this Environmental Policy with all our staff, suppliers, and partners through the following steps.

  • Conducting periodical training sessions and workshops focusing on environmental practices.
  • Sending out internal communications and newsletters to showcase our environmental efforts and successes.
  • Working together with industry associations, government bodies, and environmental organizations to champion sustainability.


This policy may be revised at any time without prior notice. All revisions supersede prior policy and are effective immediately upon approval.

FITNESSMERCH understands the importance of overseeing the effects of its activities. Being a branding company that operates within various communities and organizations both local and international, FITNESSMERCH operates responsibly within environmental boundaries to support a thriving community, foster a sustainable economy, and uphold good governance. This involves valuing the Earth’s resources and encouraging resource usage relying on reliable scientific data for decision making and collaborating with various stakeholders to accomplish these objectives


At FITNESSMERCH, we are committed to transparency and integrity in all our business interactions. We believe that by providing accurate information and resources, we empower our clients to responsibly promote our products and services. Here’s how we approach environmental considerations and the promotion of our offerings:

  • Honest marketing – This means that our description of products and services will not include greenwashing, false claims, or misleading terminology.
  • Climate-conscious selection of products where environmental impact is reduced through developing and designing for longevity. For example, we avoid single-use plastics or other plastic-intensive products.
  • Waste reduction- This intends to be waste-aware, which will influence our decisions regarding packaging products. If possible, the waste associated with our packaging will be minimized without endangering the brand. In our waste production, waste is minimized through actions such as recycling programs and investing in technologies that eliminate waste. Secondly, we are also waste-conscious in delivering and considering our impact concerning climate change.
  • Climate-conscious behavior is also implemented in regard to prevention and compliance. All harm or pollution is prevented through compliance with applicable environmental legal requirements at all our sites.
  • Staff awareness is important too. This is why we ensure that all staff receive training on environmental standards. The company also cooperates to enhance our environmental performance with partner organizations and stakeholders who influence our environmental skills.
  • We also play a role in creating broader supportive policies directed towards the achievement of a thriving and healthy natural environment.
  • FITNESSMERCH also reviews and revises corporate policies and strategies regularly to integrate sustainable development principles and best practices to ensure continued improvement.

Through these commitments, FITNESSMERCH not only aims to minimize its impact on the environment but also promotes ethical business practices within the industry.

Green Marketing and the Australian Consumer Law
Green Marketing and the Australian Consumer Law (accc.gov.au)

New Zealand
Environmental Claims Guidelines- A guide for traders
Environmental-claims-guidance-July-2020.pdf (comcom.govt.nz)

United States
Guides for the use of Environmental Marketing Claims
greenguides.pdf (ftc.gov)

United Kingdom
CMA guidance on environmental claims on goods and services
Environmental claims on goods and services (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Law on Green Claims
Green claims – European Commission (europa.eu)



  • No Unsubstantiated Claims – FITNESSMERCH makes no environmental claims without justifying documentation. We do not make exaggerated claims.
  • Realistic Environmental Credentials – If it’s marketed as a product that can be recycled, natural, biodegradable, or compostable, a significant percentage of this item should genuinely be “equivalent”. For example, if promoting a pen by stating it is created from recycled materials, no less than 80% of all its components may be recycled.
  • No Visual Misrepresentation – No false graphics or pictures. These regulations apply to all marketing stuff, either digital or printed.
  • Clear and honest language – There should be no confusing words used to explain the product’s environmental benefits.

These rules impact and demonstrate FITNESSMERCH’s commitment to transparent and accountable promotion, making certain that our claims have justification and permissions.

Greenwashing, a term coined in the 1980s refers to a marketing strategy that aims to deceive consumers by portraying a company’s product or service as friendly. As people become increasingly conscious of their impact, greenwashing has become prevalent in industries to increase sales stand out from competitors, and enhance brand image.

Companies often make claims such as promoting sustainability. Consumers must receive accurate information to make well-informed purchasing decisions. In Australia, New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom, and Europe, regulations prohibit businesses from misleading or deceiving consumers with penalties for non-compliance.


When determining if a product is ‘eco-friendly’, there are 4 key factors that come into play.

1. Materials

Products that use recycled or reclaimed materials, or materials sourced from natural resources are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than synthetic materials.

2. Manufacturing

Environmental Management Programs or equivalent local accreditations. Proof of participation in this scheme is required through current valid documentation.

3. Use

Products that are reusable and that replace single-use items such as plastic bags and bottles are seen to be a more environmentally responsible choice for promotional items.

4. Life cycle

Products that serve multiple purposes or that can be used for an extended period are often a preferred choice for people as they add more value long-term than products that break or cannot be used after a short amount of time. Products that can be repurposed (e.g., recycled) when they are no longer used or needed, or products that are compostable or recyclable, are a more environmentally conscious choice.


Common claims

  • Composition Claims- contains no harmful chemicals,’ ‘non-toxic’, ‘plant-based’
  • Production Claims- made with renewable energy, ‘contains recycled content’, ‘zero waste’
  • Claims about the future
  • Comparative claims- ‘better for the environment’, ‘uses 30% less energy than other leading brands
  • Certification claims


At FITNESSMERCH, we strive to be open and transparent with our clients. We know that by providing you with reliable information and resources, we can help you to responsibly promote our products and services to your clients.

  • No implied claims through inference, overall impression, or use of imagery shall be misleading
  • No use of vague comparative claims such as “better for the environment”
  • We will not rely on anecdotal evidence, assumptions, and unsupported opinions to support claims
  • Any claims that products are compostable will consider the availability of composting facilities for consumers likely to acquire the goods
  • Claims must be made in appropriate context, for example, a product cannot claim to be BPA-free if it never has contained BPA in the first place.


Although current documentation on “Greenwashing” is mostly based on recommendations and guidelines, there are actual laws that penalize perceived misinformation to customers such as the ones mentioned at the start of this document. FITNESSMERCH recognizes this and will implement initiatives that establish trust with our customers and add value to our business.




FITNESSMERCH, as an online branding company, is committed to conserving the natural environment and ensuring sustainability in all our business aspects. We commit to managing our environmental impact; hence we pledge to undertake the following actions.

  • Renewable energy: FITNESSMERCH promises to increase its dependence on greener energy and renewable power sources, hence reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Waste minimization: The organization will target zero waste from its business activities through recycling initiatives, and significant investment to eradicate waste generation.
  • Environmental harm prevention: FITNESSMERCH will ensure that none of its sites causes ecological harm or pollution incidents by adhering strictly to all applicable environmental laws and best practices.
  • Staff awareness and adherence: All of our staff must be kept informed about our environmental standards and shared obligations. In addition, we will stimulate the integration of environmental sustainability in our supply chains.
  • Conservation: Through our broader policy, we also help conserve and improve FITNESSMERCH’s formation and natural environment.
  • Continuous development: FITNESSMERCH guarantees that it will continually strive to promote its policies and systems by regularly reviewing its organizational practices.
  • Honest marketing: We promise not to engage in greenwashing, use any false or misleading terms, or use deceptive claims about environmental advantages as part of the way we brand or market.

FITNESSMERCH recognizes that managing our environmental impact is essential. As a company that operates within various communities and organizations both local and international, we strive to live within environmental limits, ensuring a strong and healthy society, achieving a sustainable economy, and promoting good governance. We believe in respecting the planet’s resources and collaborating with stakeholders to achieve these goals.


Stephen Barron
Managing Director



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United Kingdom


New Zealand